The Hillman Minx

One of my first cars was a second hand Hillman Minx. I bought it from someone in Mount Pearl. It was a standard shift and the shifter was between the two bucket seats. It was similar to the one in the photo. Photo courtesy of Curbside Classic. You can click on the photo to visit the website. This car has many stories to tell.  See below photo.

One story concerns former Premier Danny Williams. I played softball with The Manuel’s softball team and played on both the junior and senior all star teams. We were in Placentia for a minor softball tournament and I was helping to coach the minor team.

Some of us were billeted at my cousin, Jim Wiscombe’s home in Jerseyside. Danny Williams was one of those who were staying there. I drove down to The Old Pink Lady, in Placentia, to pick up some of the group. A side note, Charlie Walsh, the owner of The Pink Lady at this time ended up working with me at Harvey’s Travel.

I drove up to My cousin’s house and up into the driveway. I touched the brake but there was no brake. I found out later that a brake line had broken.  There was a fifty foot drop on the other side of the road. Thankfully, the hand brake worked. I can only imagine what might have happened.

I had to wait until Monday to get the brakes fixed and Danny and I believe it was Donnie Power, said that they would stay and drive back with me on Monday. The return trip was without a hitch and I dropped my friends off at their homes in St John’s.

That was over fifty years ago and I don’t remember speaking to Danny or Donnie since that day.

This is a photo of Ron Adams and me at a junior softball tournament in St John’s. I believe it’s 1966 in Pleasantville. There was a problem uploading the photo.




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