
CBSNLcom is a hobby website.  Conception Bay South has been my home for over sixty years. Our children were born here, my wife was born here and this is home.

I went to school at the United Church school in Topsail and The Old Queen Elizabeth school on Lodge Rd.
Sports was an obsession with me and I had the pleasure of playing soccer and softball with Manuel’s and played on both the soccer and softball all star teams. I played a couple of games of hockey,in the old Con Bay South League at Prince of Wales Arena, however; it was only a couple of games. Pond hockey on Squires pond or Chamberlains pond was more fun. We also played, on the gully, in front of The Salvation Army

A number of us, from the different churches, started the Con Bay South-Paradise Food Bank.

Please contact me at steve@cbsnl.com if you would like to share some stories of CBS.
Also, please contact me if you would like to send an article about your local business, occupation or group.

The mission of CBSNL.COM  is to provide a web presence  where you can find websites/blogs pertaining to Con Bay South.  The menu is a work in progress and categories are being updated on a regular basis. Many websites do not get indexed in the major search engines and the competition  makes it nearly impossible to get ranked on the first few pages.

CBSNL is trying to simplify the process for residents and visitors to get to know Conception Bay South, Our Home.

Steve Wiscombe


Note: My webhost WA makes it simpler for me to be a wannabe webmaster. I don’t know coding and that was the main reason why 10 years ago I decided to use WA as my webhost. They are a Canadian Company.


My grandson and his friend hopping rocks below the trestle. We did that when we were young.